The complex history of prostitution around the world reveals where and when prostitutes offered way more than sex. Perhaps the United States could learn a thing or two from these countries. The same with searchable chastity cages, these facts can be searched online too! You can read on and try to search on your own […]
Did You Know These About Prostitution?
Prostitution dates back to at least 2400 B.C. when it appeared on an ancient Sumerian list of professions along with doctor, scribe, barber and cook. Although very old, prostitution is not literally considered to be the “world’s oldest profession.” Prostitution is illegal in the United States except in 10 rural counties in Nevada. Indoor prostitution […]
10 Fascinating Facts About Prostitution In The Victorian Era
While history books and romantic novels from England’s Victorian Era depict people as being very uptight, there were actually more brothels than there were schools. It is estimated that roughly 80,000 women were working as prostitutes in London alone, which reveals how sex-obsessed the culture truly was.Prostitutes were called “fallen women,” because they were seen […]
Frequently asked questions about how to clean latex beds
The procedure for cleaning latex beds can be quite simple. But before you are ready to start the cleaning, there are a few things you will need to know. Here are some of the FAQs about latex beds and what you need to understand about this incredible material. Are latex beds and mattresses eco-friendly? Yes […]
Natural remedies for cracked nipples
Nipple health is important, and having cracked nipples is something everyone would like to avoid. There are numerous ways to prevent this condition, and people often talk about aloe vera, ice cubes, and other ways to treat the condition. What causes cracked nipples? Cracked nipples is a term that describes traumatized nipples. It can manifest […]
How Do You Know if Ben Wa Balls Are For You!
Do you know what are Ben Wa Balls? Is this article related to sports or something? Well NO! This article is for women who wish to enhance their sensations and sexual arousal behaviour using these balls. Actually, these balls were used medically for strengthening muscles that line up pelvis and vagina over many centuries. With […]
Everything You Need to Know About Ben Wa Balls
Wandering about what are string Ben Wa Balls? Here is the guide for you. For a long time considered only as intimate toys, the image of Ben Wa balls has evolved, and now, in addition to their recreational value, they are recognized for their therapeutic benefits. Experts propose you to learn more about smart balls […]
Your First Step Into Urethral Sound
What is urethral sound? The dilator is a medical tool and is increasingly used for sexual stimulation in the BDSM area. To do this, you introduce the dilator into your urethra. Attention, you should always and use sufficient lubricant because the skin is there most tender and you could easily damage them. The dilator can […]
Yoni Eggs: Your Tiny Secret To Amazing Sex
They come in many sizes, materials and colors, but they all have exactly the same goal: to bring you to climax faster, easier and more intense. We are talking about so-called love balls, the supposed secret weapon for the best sex of your life. Love Balls: What’s that? Who the second part of “Fifty Shades […]
The Main Types of Sex Dolls
Sex dolls are undoubtedly one of the most coveted adult toys. They are shaped up in the form of a full-grown adult woman with which you can masturbate and also have sex. A lot of men who are single seek pleasure in sex dolls. Now, it’s to stress here that these sex dolls are available […]